Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Traditional Academic Vs Modern Spoken Street French

Traditional Academic Vs Modern Spoken Street French Many French student have a shock when they go to France: although theyve studied French for many years, when they get to France, they cannot understand the natives. Does that sound familiar? Well you are not the only one.   French is an Evolving Language Like any other languages, French evolves. The French vocabulary of course, but the French grammar as well, and mostly the pronunciation. Its the same thing in English: you no longer say swell but awesome. I dont know anyone who regularly uses shall in the US, and night is becoming nite - although this one is not quite accepted yet!   This Evolution is Frown Upon By French Teachers and Purists This evolution is frown upon by French teachers and purists, who consider the language is becoming poorer. They are likely to use the modern pronunciation themselves when they are among friends and family, but will automatically watch their pronunciation when they are teaching / recording teaching methods. The French Taught In School is NOT the French Spoken Today The result is that the French youll traditionally find in schools and French learning methods is NOT the one actual French people speak today. This is true for any French person: no matter their age or standing, every single French person nowadays applies some glidings that are not taught to students of French. Spoken Street French Versus Book French Examples Let me give you some examples. Youve learned Je ne sais pas but will hear shay pa. (I dont know)Youve learned quelle heure but will hear kan à §a ?. (when/ at what time)Youve learned Je ne le lui ai pas donnà © but will hear shui aypa donà ©. (I didnt give it to him/her)Youve learned il ne fait pas beau but will hear ifay pabo. (The weather is not nice)Youve learned il ny a pas de quoi but will hear ya pad kwa. (Its nothing)Youve learned qui est-ce ? but will hear sà ©ki? (Who is it?)Youve learned Il ne veut pas ce qui est ici but will hear ivepa skià © tici. (He doesnt want what is here). Students seldom really master French liaisons, which are an essential part of French pronunciation, and theyve never heard glidings, street question construction, nor are they aware that entire words disappear (such as the ne part of the negation or many pronouns). And thats just pronunciation. Im not even getting into the in words used by the younger generations such as kiffer ( aimer) or elle lui a pà ©ta son iPhone - she broke his iPhone... You Need to Understand Mainstream Street French So, without going to the extreme and learn ghetto street French... you need to understand French like it is spoken by everybody in France nowadays. This is not the typical French youll find in books or even audio programs for French students. Unless your teacher is French or has spent a lot of time in France, s/he may not know how to speak like that. And many French teachers from France with higher diplomas will refuse to teach the modern glidings etc... thinking they are participating to the decadence of the language if they do.   So what French learning tools should you use? Read about the ​top French learning resources for the self studying student  - the only way you will learn to understand this modern spoken French is by working with audiobooks which focus on modern French and familiarise yourself with the modern glidings. Or of course, go to France in immersion, and practice with a teacher who accepts to put his teacher hat on the side and teach you the real spoken French language.​

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