Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Side Effect Of Brain Drain In Globalisation Economics Essay
The Side Effect Of Brain Drain In Globalisation Economics Essay In this paper we will describe one of the side effects of globalisation, more specific the effect on the human capital of underdeveloped and developing countries who see their best and most productive workers leave the country to seek fortune and money in the richer western world. In an economic context Globalisation is the reduction or removal of barriers and borders in order to facilitate flows of capital, goods, services and also labour. Globalisation is also the integration of economies and societies around the world. This paper focuses on the labour flows and more specific on the migration and flows of skilled labour. Globalisation is not something new, but the technological and political evolutions after World War II have hastened this process. We wont look at the flows themselves, but rather at one of the side-effects of migration in a globalised world: the brain drain, and, in some cases the brain gain. Brain drain is human capital flight. Its the phenomenon where skilled workers or young potentials : individuals with technical skills or knowledge; migrate and leave their country. While brain drain is not something new, its effects are much greater in a globalised world where skilled workers can freely travel the world. Many countries have restricted migration policies; but high-skilled well trained workers are often more than welcome and often even encouraged to come to the western world. There are many reasons for this skilled migration and the reasons to migrate may differ from region to region. Skilled workers living in Eastern Europe migrate to the USA or the EU because there are more career opportunities, salaries are higher and social security is better. African migrants sometimes flee violence, poverty, political instability or corruption, While there are also highly skilled European academics working in the USA, the Far East or vice versa; we will focus on the skilled migration from under-developed or developing countries to the developed world. In this paper we will take a deeper look at the brain drain. The first section summarises migration data, both skilled and unskilled The next section discusses the disadvantages of skilled migration from the point of view of the underdeveloped and developing countries. The subsequent section takes a look at the advantages of skilled migration, again from the point of view of the underdeveloped and developing countries. Before jumping to the conclusion, well discuss a few advantages and disadvantages of the skilled migrants themselves. The final section sums up the conclusion and gives some moral point of views and my opinion about this theme. Where possible, we will make a distinction between several groups of underdeveloped and developing countries: Eastern Europe, Middle East and Northern Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian world and Pacific Islands. Every region has a different history and every region has different regional characteristics. The effects of skilled migrations or the extent of every effect will be different for every region depending on the technology level, the political stability, the share of skilled workers, the composition of the population, How big is the brain drain? Before summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of skilled migration from the sending countries perspective we first must know how big the brain drain really is. How many skilled workers leave the Third World and migrate to the developed countries? Answering this question is not easy. Who are the highly skilled? Should we also count unskilled migrants who are educated in the developed world and thus become skilled? Do we count illegal migrants as well? We wont tackle these questions in this paper, but simply use the data provided by organisations like the IMF, the World Bank Group and the OECD. According to these organisations skilled migrants are migrants with at least tertiary educational attainment, wherever they completed their schooling. Table 1 shows us some regional characteristics of the different regions in 2000. It provides us for each region the proportion of skilled in the resident population (Skill), the average emigration towards the OECD countries (Aemig), the skilled migration rate (Semig) and the ratio of remittances to GDP (Rem/Y). The regions are grouped as follows: Eastern Europe (EAS), Middle East and Northern Africa (MEN), Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and the Indian world and Pacific Islands (IND). Table 1: regional characteristics in 2000: Region Skill Aemig Semig Rem/Y EAS 12.4% 6.6% 11.8% 1.3% MEN 8.5% 3.5% 8.5% 2.8% SSA 2.8% 0.8% 12.9% 2.6% IND 4.5% 0.4% 5.2% 1.8% Data source: Luca Marchiori, I-lung Shen, Frà ©dà ©ric Docquier (2009) We can conclude from table 1 that Eastern Europe and the Middle East and Northern Africa have attained a reasonable level of education already. The situation in India is worse and alarming in Sub-Saharan Africa. In all four regions, the skilled migration rate is a lot higher than the average migration rate, hence the brain drain. Again, the situation in Sub-Saharan Africa is disturbing. Eastern Europe and to a lesser extent also the Middle East and North Africa also have a very high skilled migration rate. The skilled migration rate is lower in India, but the skilled and unskilled migration rates of bigger countries are always less impressive than those of smaller countries. Disadvantages of skilled migration Support rate diminishes When the active part of the population diminishes, a smaller group of people are capable of providing economic support to the number of older people, children and students who are materially dependent on the support of others. The burdens are carried by a shrinking group workers and the part of the population that creates an added value becomes smaller and smaller. The support rate in Western Europe and Japan for example, diminishes due to the aging of the population. Not only Western Europe and Japan are hit by the aging of the population! There are developing countries in Eastern Europe and Asia that face the same problems. The aging of the population isnt the only cause for a diminishing support rate. Migration can have the same effect, especially when young or high schooled workers leave the country: the group of active workers shrinks when some of them search a better future in other countries all over the world. When developing countries who have to cope with a growing group of retired inactive people, also lose their trained and educated workers, they are hit twice. First of all, this means that the pressure on the government budget augments: pensions need to be paid, medical costs are higher while tax revenues go down. One of the consequences can be that countries will cut in educational programs. This can even amplify the brain drain: not only do they lose their most productive workers, they also wont be able to educate enough new young high skilled workers to replace the retired workers. This is a major problem for countries in Eastern Europe. African countries, the Middle East and India all have a very young population. The diminishing support rate doesnt really trouble them. Human Capital goes down The biggest and most notable disadvantage of schooled migration looking from the perspective of the sending countries is the downswing of human capital in these sending countries. Human capital is the stock of competences, knowledge and personality attributes embodied in the ability to perform labour so as to produce economic value. It is the attributes gained by a worker through education and experience (Sullivan, Arthur; Steven M. Sheffrin (2003).). Its obvious that human capital of a country is affected by the migration of the high schooled and best trained workers. The human capital of a country determines among others the number and type of investments a country attracts, but has also a huge impact on another important factor of the growth of a country: the technology level of an economy. Political unstable or unsafe countries are often faced with a large stream out of both high schooled and unschooled workers. The stream out of these unstable countries is often a lot bigger than the stream out of more stable underdeveloped countries where workers leave for economical reasons only. Countries with an unstable and violent history have as a result lost almost all their skilled workers. This also means that they need to invest in the training of new skilled workers or that they have to attract foreign doctors, engineers, craftsmen, As a consequence, a huge part of the official development assistance goes to the recruitment and or training of skilled workers (doctors and other health care workers, skilled craftsmen for rebuilding infrastructure, à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦) who are difficult to retain once trained. This way, western countries are indirectly investing their own future workers. Especially Sub-Saharan Africa has this huge problem. The first step to retain their skilled workers is off course, the much needed political and economical stability. As a result the growth of Technology slows down As explained above, theres another important factor affected when human capital goes down: technology. When discussing the brain drain, we talk about the most skilled workers who leave. Those skilled workers are the first and most important people who use and/or develop new technologies. The talents of these workers are indispensable when a country wants to advance to higher technology level. Technology is an important factor determining the type of (foreign) investments a country attracts. The brain drain can thus have an immense effect on the development of a country. When foreign investors are only interested in cheap workers or natural recourses, but not in the local talents; foreign investments often dont help to develop a country. Companies who search a country with enough skilled workers are often willing to invest in training, but will look for countries with a better starting position. The brain drain clearly slows down or even stops the development of underdeveloped or developing countries who are only attractive for their low wages or natural recourses. The regions principally affected are again the least developed countries: Sub-Saharan Africa and unstable Asian countries. The Middle East or Eastern Europe is less affected. The recent revolution even shows that there seem to be to many high schooled young people. They dont find a job even after several years of academic schooling. The Economic returns to investment on education in underdeveloped countries go to the developed countries. The investments in education done by underdeveloped countries and developing countries partly disappear without a trace. The investments go up in smoke when the high skilled workers, educated in their own country, leave their country and migrate to the developed world. As mentioned before, the same can be said about big parts of the development aid send to underdeveloped countries: parts of this aid are reserved for educational projects. It can be at first sight be discouraging to invest in the education of academic personnel when the most talented individuals dream of a career in the western world. As expected, the negative aspects of the brain drain are numerous and can be devastating in the short run. The human capital of a country not only determines the number of skilled workers available for domestic production, but also affects other important parameters of an economy: technology and the capacity to innovate! Both factors determine the volume and type of incoming investments. Add to this the diminishing support rate and the low returns on investment on education and the picture doesnt results dont look promising. Advantages of skilled migration Remittances à ¢Ã¢â¬ °Ãâ investments? More often than not, migrants send home large sums of money to their family whom they left behind in their home country. These sums are called remittances. They are sometimes even the only or at least the most important reason for migrants to travel to a richer and better developed country in search of career opportunities and wealth. At first, many migrants plan to work a few years until they have acquired enough money to be able to return back home and maintain their family. It makes therefore perfect sense that these migrants send home lots of money even before returning home. According to The World Bank, these remittances send back to the developing or underdeveloped countries are even 1,5 times greater than the worldwide budget spend on development aid. For the developing countries, remittances represent about 2% of their Gross Domestic Product, for the underdeveloped countries roughly 6% and for some of the least developed countries of this world this percentages rises to almos t 20%! There are certain analysts who equate remittances with foreign investments, but opinions are divided on this subject. There are even analysts who claim that remittances have mainly negative effects on the economies in underdeveloped countries. Remittances create and maintain economic dependency and take away incentives to start local businesses and take the initiative to enhance living standards. While there are indeed negative effects, most economists believe remittances to be a good thing for developing and underdeveloped countries. Remittances can enhance the state of health, the level of education, the access to information and technology and can reduce the need of child labour. While they indeed can be the cause of dependency, the money send back home can also create opportunities to invest in the local economy and start up new businesses. One of the biggest advantages of remittances is the stability they bring. In times of hunger, crop failure, drought, an economical or political crisis; remittances can make the difference for families hit by misfortune. It s important to make a critical note before jumping to the next advantage. While there are many migrants, both low and high skilled, who send back large sums of money, its the small elite group of very high skilled migrants who send back the smallest amount of money; if they send something to their home land at all. The skilled workers who left their country that invested in them and who can produce, potentially, the highest return on investment, are also the workers that fail to do so, not because they can t fulfil their potential, but because they seem to forget their roots, financially speaking. The incentive effect of brain drain Success can be contagious. The same can be said about migration. When Young people in underdeveloped countries see that their countrymen who left in search of better career opportunities, more stability and a higher living standard, they can be stimulated to study to enhance their chances of also finding a better future abroad. At first, this seems to be another disadvantages of the brain drain. Underdeveloped countries seem to be losing even more high-skilled workers. Not all these new formed high skilled workers however will migrate. The long term net effect will in most cases be positive for the human capital of a country. Obviously this effect can only be positive in the long term: it takes time and money to invest in young people and to create a new generation of high skilled, well trained potentials. Furthermore, this wont stop the brain drain. Migrating is still the main goal of many students in Third World countries. The investments of underdeveloped countries are still very high when looking at the outcome, even if the net effect is positive. Investing in education remains investing in the future of both your country and the future of the countries that attract skilled workers. This effect can only play in countries with enough infrastructure and stability. A country that lacks the necessary resources to train their high potentials will never be able to benefit from this incentive. This effect therefore isnt big enough to be called an advantage in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Eastern Europe on the other hand is the number of skilled workers already relatively high. Thats why the incentive effect wont be very high in Eastern Europe. The incentive effect can be a real advantage in India and North Africa and the Middle East: both regions are reasonably stable and have the infrastructure and means to educate their workers. Reduced Risk Premium In an open economy, the Risk Premium is one of the most important factors that determines the volume of (foreign) investments in physical capital in a country. Countries with a low risk premium can more easily attract foreign investments than countries with a higher risk premium. Financiers who invest in regions or countries where the return is less certain and with more uncertain circumstances will demand a higher return on investment than those who choose to invest in more stable regions. The risk premium is determined by several factors: political stability in a region, economic stability of a country, and also by the available knowledge of a country or region. Migrants can t really affect the political or economical stability of their home country, but they can spread the knowledge of their country. When high skilled leave their country they can spread this knowledge in the companies and countries where they live and work. This way, they can directly and indirectly reduce the risk premium for their country and thus attract more foreign investments. The effect is assumed to impact every region with comparable magnitudes. Diasporas can be an important source of trade, capital, technology, and knowledge for origin countries. We have just explained that the brain drain can indirectly enhance the physical capital of a country thanks to the reduced risk premium. The extra foreign investments not only raise the physical capital of a country, they can also raise the human capital and the technology of a country. The foreign investments can bring new technologies to a country. There is however another mechanism that can bring extra investments, technology and knowledge to a country: networking or more specific diasporas. A population of a country cast around the world can still keep in contact with each other and with their home country. This way, new technologies, ideas or concepts or moral standard can reach their home country. They all can have an effect on the labour market or the human capital of a country. If the status of women changes for example, the labour market can be opened for women. If family values change, birth control can become a discussable issue. Theres also a change that a world-wide network is created when people keep in contact. This network can defend the interests of a country, can promote a region and can help to attract investments. DDI: Diaspora Direct Investments When an underdeveloped or a developing country is faced with a large stream out of skilled workers or academic personnel, the chances will grow that some of these migrants will invest in the country they came from. They should have a great knowledge of their home region and they normally still have lots of local contacts. When some of those migrants are successful and search a good place to invest, there s a big chance that they will choose their home country, if stable enough off course. Migration can attract foreign investments thanks to the reduced risk premium (foreign investments) and thanks to successful migrants who invest in their home country (Diaspora investments). Theres however a difference between the two. Foreign investments are not always seen as a factor of growth and evolution. Some scholars argue that foreign investors only exploit workers and that technological spillover effects are rare. Diaspora investments on the other hand are more likely to be durable investments. At first sight, the loss of skilled workers has mainly a negative impact on the economies of the sending countries. When we dive deeper into the effects of the brain drain and when we also take a look at the long term effects, we can be more optimistic. For some countries the brain drain might even be an advantage. The economy and society of countries faced with a large stream out of skilled workers can be more open, more globalised and more advanced thanks to the technology spillovers of diaspora investments, the changed standards and values and the incentives effect of brain drain. On top, Gross Domestic Product of the underdeveloped and developing countries rises thanks to the remittances and the extra foreign investments they can attract through the reduced risk premium. What about the immigrants themselves? When looking at the advantages or disadvantages of the high schooled immigrants who head to the developed world, we mainly see advantages. That may seem obvious, there s after all often a good reason why they choose to migrate. Many unschooled migrants who reach the Western World after a long and touch journey dont end up in paradise, but often have to spend at least a few years as an illegal. For those who are finally accepted, a good job is often unreachable. The situation for most high-skilled migrants is of course very different. Many of them can perfectly legally and without much problems choose the country they prefer. The western world even actively recruits in many developing countries when searching scarce workers. There are for example many health care workers from the Philippines working in Europe and many IT-specialists from India work in the USA or Canada. One could even say that high schooled workers in underdeveloped countries are crazy if they do not leave their country and search a better future in the Western World where the career opportunities are better and wages are much higher. Nevertheless, there are a few critical comments to make. Even for high schooled migrants, live is not roses all the way. Brain waste: high skilled immigrants accept jobs way under their level of schooling The training, education and experience of migrants isnt always appreciated in the western World. There are many examples of high schooled Asians, Africans or Eastern Europeans who have to accept jobs why under their level of schooling. That doesnt have to mean that their standard of living has decreased after migrating, but we might say that their intellectual capacities are wasted. The Western World doesnt always take full advantage of their schooling, experience and talents and they arent fulfilling their potential. A question we might ask is whether these high skilled workers would offer their talents to a country where they would be much more appreciated and where they could fulfil their potential, like their home country. They might be happier, even when working for a lower salary. Conclusion There are both negative and positive aspects on the brain drain, on the migration of skilled workers from underdeveloped and developing countries to the developed world. The brain drain has correctly raised many questions, especially when looking from the perspective of the sending countries. There are however scholars who claim that the brain drain has more advantages than disadvantages when looking at the picture as a whole. On the one side we see the direct impact of the brain drain: countries lose their schooled workers and their human capital goes down by definition. The decline of human capital has an impact on the technology level of a country and on the investments it can attract. In addition a big part of the investments on education done by the sending countries go up in smoke: the schooled workers leave the country and take their skills with them. Countries who lose their skilled workers and who face another problem, the aging of the population, are hit twice. They not only have to face all the problems mentioned above. They also have to cope with a shrinking support rate. The active part of the population who contributes to the economy and pays taxes grows smaller and smaller while the number of pensioners who need to be supported by the government and thus by the active part of the population expands. On the other side recent studies have come to the conclusion that there are also many advantages to the brain drain, particularly when looking at the long term effects of skilled migration on the economy of the sending countries. The creation of human capital in the sending countries is stimulated by the incentive effect and the migration of workers, both skilled and unskilled creates flows of cash to the developing and underdeveloped countries. These flows of cash, the so-called remittances, often represent an important share in the Gross Domestic Product of the sending countries, especially in the Gross Domestic Product of the least developed countries. Furthermore, a sending country can attract additional foreign investments thanks to the brain drain. Firstly thanks to a reduced risk premium and secondly the migrants themselves can, when they are successful abroad, invest in their home country. We can for certain say that the short term effects of the loss of schooled workers on the underdeveloped and developing countries are negative. Furthermore the economical growth of countries faced with a brain drain can stagnate. Human capital is an important economical factor for growth and evolution not to be underestimated. Looking at the long term effects, the answers are less clear and ambiguous. Future investments can be higher thanks to the diaspora investments and the additional foreign investments. The remittances are often indispensable for many undeveloped countries, particularly in moments of crisis: famine, an economical crisis or natural disasters. Lastly, we must also mention the influence migrants can have on the technology level of underdeveloped countries, but also on standards and values. The effects of birth control on poverty cannot be underestimated. When we make a distinction between the different regions, the least developed countries are not the ones that are affected the most by the loss of skilled workers. When we say least developed countries, we are referring to the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. This region benefits the most from the brain drain in the long run. We might even conclude that Sub-Saharan Africa will benefit from a brain gain thanks to the loss of skilled workers. Sub-Saharan Africa however will not benefit from this brain gain as long as the region isnt politically and military stable. The African countries will never attract enough investments without this much needed stability. Both the short term and the long term effects for Eastern Europe are probably negative. The level of education in this region is already too high to profit from the positive effects on the human capital of a country. Next, this region is hit by the same big problem Europe and Japan have to face: the aging of the population. When a big part of the most productive part of the population leaves the country, those who stay will have to double their efforts. When looking at the two other regions, India and the Pacific and The Middle East and North Africa, drawing the right conclusion is less evident. Will the positive effects outweigh the negative ones or not? Both regions already have a relatively large group of schooled workers and the technology level in both regions is sufficient. The benefits for those aspects will be negligible. Both regions need to attract extra investments. Tunisia for example, has many young academic schooled workers who are familiar with the new technologies, but not enough jobs. When the high-schooled, but unemployed young workers migrate to the Western World, the Middle East and North Africa can only benefit. My Opinion The effects of skilled migration on the developing and underdeveloped countries, both the long term effects and the short term effects, are analysed in detail. But how to deal with the negative effects of the brain drain or how the negative effects can be limited is almost never explained. Only the papers discussing Diaspora Direct Investments give advice on how to get more out of and attract these investments. Its difficult to give an opinion on a subject when it isnt clear how to counter the negative effects or how to get the most out of the positive effects in order to go from a brain drain to a brain gain. Before taking a position on the brain drain, it might be useful to clarify the situations of the different parties involved. Firstly, there are the underdeveloped and developing countries faced with a large stream out of schooled workers. They seem to be powerless to stop this since scholars only describe their problems, but dont propose a solution. As mentioned above, the effects of the brain drain are mainly negative. There are indeed also positive effects when looking at the long term, but its far from certain that the positive effects will outweigh the negative ones for many countries. The question remains: can the underdeveloped and developing countries change their precarious situation? Can they encourage the schooled workers to stay in a country where the future is often uncertain, wages are low and career opportunities scarce? This seems impossible to be. That however doesnt mean that nothing can be done. Taking away some of the reasons to migrate will reduce the migration an d its effects: political and military stability, safety, less corruption, are just a few of the many reasons to flee a country and to built a new life abroad. Whats more, if these problems are at least partially solved the economical returns to investment on education will be higher. To conclude, there seems to be no real solution for this problem when looking at the sending countries. The only thing they can do is closing the gap with the developed world. The magical formula to do so though, do not seem to exist. Its even more difficult to find a solution when we analyse the brain drain from the individual migrants perspective. It seems that the decision to migrate, when possible, is at first sight easily made. Can we blame the high skilled workers living in an underdeveloped country to dream of a better paid job in a safer and more stable environment with more career opportunities? Are they wrong to do so and is it wrong to leave a country that invested in them? Theres another aspect we must look at when we analyse the brain drain from the migrants perspective: remittances and investments. Do these migrants have the moral duty to send back large sums of money? Do they have the moral duty to invest, when possible, in the country that educated them? Its better to leave the answer to the migrants themselves. Finally, we have the Western governments and companies who fight their war for talent. The United States of America, Europe and Japan all need new skilled workers to replace the baby-boom workers who will retire and the BRIC-countries need skilled workers to close the gap with the developed countries. Many countries and companies try to attract the same highly skilled talents and rely on international labour flows to fill in future gaps. The global competition doesnt give them a choice. If they dont attract enough talented workers, economic growth might slow down. In my opinion, we cant blame the developed countries for the brain drain. Every country tries to prosper. But should the Western World compensate the developing and underdeveloped countries for the brain drain? Should they make good the loss of skilled workers in
Friday, January 17, 2020
Fundamentls of Entrepreneurship
Executive summary: Fundamental of entrepreneurship is an individual who takes initiative to bundle resource in innovative ways and is willing to bear the risk or uncertainty to act. The purpose of done this assignment to know and understand that entrepreneurship play role to started new business enterprise. Moreover, entrepreneur for started new enterprise that SPM JATI (cooking oil), need review performance of his business, identify strength and weaknesses, recommend a plan of action that will capitalize on the companyââ¬â¢s strengths, and overcome its weaknesses and finally business existing performance could be maintained and strengthened.Without this cannot complete the task to started new business. Before I start my assignment, I had obtained some information from my lecture and I also get information about entrepreneurship from internet. Through internet I know that entrepreneur of review performance to started new enterprise that SPM JATI (cooking oil), strength and weaknes ses, recommend a plan of action and business existing performance could be maintained and strengthened.The process of doing assignment, I found out a lot of information about started new enterprise of entrepreneurship. As the same time, I also know the strength and weaknesses and existing performance could be maintained and strengthened. NO| Question and title| Page| 1. 0| Introduction | 3| 2. 02. 1 2. 1. 1 2. 1. 2 2. 1. 32. 2 2. 2. 1 2. 2. 2 2. 2. 32. 3 2. 3. 1 2. 3. 2 2. 3. 32. 4 2. 4. 1 2. 4. 2 2. 4. | Presentation and analysis: How would you review the performance of his business Introduction task 1Answer ConclusionHelp jerry indentify his company strength and weaknesses Introduction AnswerConclusionFollowing the analysis of the company strengths and weaknesses, recommend a plan of action that will capitalize on the company strengths, and overcome its weaknesses. Introduction Answer Conclusion Jerry has bought you a one-week return ticket to his holiday home in Penang. He wants you to helpHim investigate ways in which the business existing performance could be maintained and strengthened.Introduction Answer Conclusion | 4444-66777-88999-1010 11111112| 3. 0 | Conclusion | 13| 4. 0| References | 14-15| 1. 0 Overall Introduction Entrepreneurshipis an individual who rather than working as an employee runs a small business call entrepreneurship and assumes all the risk and reward of a given business venture, idea or good or service offered for sale. Entrepreneurship combined with land, natural resources and capital to produce profits that is call entrepreneurship.Entrepreneurship must face all kind of problem and know need to solve the problem then only can achieve in business, if the entrepreneur run away from business it show he or she cannot face it the business and donââ¬â¢t know how to solve the problem. Task 1, is mention a bout review the performance of SPM JATI enterprise cooking oil. Itââ¬â¢s easy to focus only on the day-to-day running of SPM JA TI enterprise. Itââ¬â¢s simply include business efficiency, financial position, business goals and conduct a customers and market analysis.Task 2, is indentify about SPM JATI enterprise, strength could be seen in terms of SPM JATI staff extremely polite and helpful and your competitorââ¬â¢s staff has very few customer-friendly attributes, products SPM JATI provides cooking oil, customers loyalty is demand, and location located at. And weakness, an objectââ¬â¢s look every aspect of SPM JATI enterprise whether its products and service could be improved. Task 3, is analysis the company strengths and weaknesses. And how to overcome the weaknesses of company.Task 4 is talking about help jerry to investigate ways in which business existing performance could be maintained and strengthened Task 1: 2. 2 How would you review the performance of his business? 2. 1. 1 Introduction task 1 In this task talking about review the performance of business of SPM JATI Company. This task explain s about operation management. Product planning, location planning, process planning, supply chain management and quality management. 2. 1. 2 Answer Review the performance of SPM JATI Enterprise cooking oil for financial position, itââ¬â¢s often fail because of poor financial management or a lack of planning.Often the business plan that was used to help raise finance is put on a shelf to gather dust. When it comes to SPM JATI Enterprise cooking oil business' success, therefore, developing and implementing sound financial and management systems. . Product planning Product planning and product control work hand in hand to ensure that consumers get the products they want, when they want. Product planning involves evaluating the product and placement, price, package and position. SPM JATI cooking oil using product planning. Price must standard and the package look nice and the customer attract to the package. Location planningLocation is also very important for service and manufacturi ng ventures, which have such costs as advertising, promotion and distribution that are a direct result on where they located. SPM JATI company location is very near customer and other shop also. Location has to be convenient for customers and their employees need adequate parking. That means locating near to key suppliers in areas for pick-up and deliveries. JATI company choosing the best location for business that us the first step to target the customers. Process planning A business plan is used when starting a new business or new product into market.SPM JATI cooking oil develops the products and maintains the products. SPM JATI cooking oil planning buys a new machine that is automotive packing machine to improve the business and supply in big scale. Supply chain management Supply chain management is the oversight materials information and finance as move in a process from supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to consumer. The product flow includes the movement of goods from a su pplier to a customer as well as customer returns or service needs. SPM JATI cooking oil supply to wholesaler and the wholesaler supply to consumer this is supply hain management of SPM JATI cooking oil company. Quality management SPM JATI Company maintains the good name and reputation of the company. To gain a competitive advantage, many companies will implement a quality management system to ensure they produce the best products. 2. 1. 3 Conclusion The conclusion is when I do this question I got a lot of idea about the business and also I can understand very well about what is product planning, location planning, process planning, supply chain management and how much important to business. This steps all SPM JATI company follow and maintain the businessTask 2: 2. 2 Help Jerry identify his companyââ¬â¢s strength and weaknesses. 2. 2. 1 Introduction task 2 In this task discuss about SPM JATI company strengths and weakness. SPM JATI company strengths and weakness. SPM JATI Company strengths is understand consumer needs and provide high level customer service. Weakness is not enough workers in the company and also the labor costs very high. 2. 2. 2 Answer: The impacts of internal strengths and weaknesses on the success of the ââ¬Ësubjectââ¬â¢ of analysis. The internal strengths and weaknesses of you, your staff, your products, and your business.The internal strength that makeââ¬â¢s organization more competitive than its marketplace peers. And the internal weaknesses with organization that will keep it from achieving its objectives; it is what an organization does poorly. Strength This involves looking at the strength and weaknesses of SPM JATIenterprise cooking oil. Internal strength of business SPM JATI enterprise cooking oil, could be seen in terms of SPM JATI enterprise staff, products, customers loyalty, processes, or location. SPM JATI enterprise cooking oil,strengthterms staffextremely polite and helpful, very important to be totally honest and realistic.Next products, cooking oil, customer loyalty is when a supplier received the reward of his efforts in interacting with his customer. Customer loyalty tends the customer to voluntarily choose a particular product against another for his needs. Location for SPM JATI enterprise are very good because very near to customer and wholesaler also. So when very near to customer the supply cost become low and can save money also. The name of company very popular everyone knows about JATI cooking oil and the products quality. JATI Company understands the consumer needs.JATI Companyprovides high level customer service. Have a presence in retail markets. And also the customer like and go for JATI cooking oil. Weakness Company weaknesses are a lack of resources or capabilities. SPM JATI Company has higher labor costs. Competitor who can have similar productivity from lower labor costs. SPM JATI also not enough workers and the management are not very good. 2. 2. 3 Conclusion In this task discuss about the company strengths and weakness. Explain about the SPM JATI company strengths and weakness. Task 3: 2. Following the analysis of the company strengths and weaknesses, recommend a plan of action that will capitalize on the company strengths, and overcome its weaknesses. 2. 3. 1 Introduction In this task discuss about the strengths and weakness of Jerry Company SPM JATI enterprise. So need to find out some step to help Jerry Company to improve. And also discuss the overcome company weakness. 2. 3. 2 Answer Company strengths The first strengths for jerry JATI Company are good name in market everyone know about the company and the brand. JATI Company provides high level customer service.Customer also likes to buy JATI products because customer likes the packing and the good service also. JATI Company supply goods time to time. Overcome company weakness After I discuss about strength and weakness of Jerry Company that is SPM JATI enterprise. Jerry can be try to improve t he products and packing. Customer service is very important in business, Jerry Company must focus on customer service. First the weakness of SPM JATI Company is higher labor costs. After that SPM JATI company not enough workers in the company so cannot produce more products because very less worker.SPM JATI must take new worker for company and can produce more products. SPM JATI company have 3 lorry but that is not enough for supply goods because a lot of order from customer and wholesaler. So need to buy new lorry, for more supply goods for customer and the business also can develop if supply more goods for customer the company can make high profit. 2. 3. 3 Conclusion As a conclusion, I help to find the steps or ways to help Jerry Company to improve and do much better then now. Next is, found the ways to solve jerry company weakness Task 4 2. Jerry has bought you a one-week return ticket to his holiday home in Penang. He wants you to helpHim investigate ways in which the business e xisting performance could be maintained and strengthened. 2. 4. 1 Task 4 introduction In this task discuss about to help jerry investigate ways in which the business existing performance could maintained and strengthened. I help jerry how to improve the performance of SPM JATI Company. So for one-week I will take care jerry business and help him also to improve the business. 2. 4. 2 Answer The ways to improve the company performanceI have help jerry to promote his company name and product. I do which customers buy a lot of JATI product they all get some gifts from company. Next is, I give some donation under JATI company name then only people know about the company and what they are selling or produce. This also one good type of advertising. If company name popular in market then all customer know about the company and the business sales also increase. And I ask jerry to do some offer or discount. When customer purchase JATI product the price be half price for few month, to promote the product.Another idea is make t-shirt for customer, like which shop sell a lot of JATI products give them t-shirt. 2. 4. 3 Conclusion Conclusion is, this is the ways to improve the company performance and steps. When jerry follow the steps above sure jerry company will be improve and success on his overall business performance and also can increase the business sales or monthly turnover can increase. This steps all are very good to business improve and can increase the production of the company so jerry must follow the ways to improve. But now Jerry Companyimproves ready, so for no problem for Jerry Company.I think Jerry Company does better sales and better business management. Because jerry know ready what is steps and ways to improve the company performance. 3. 0 Conclusion As a conclusion when I finish this whole assignment I can understand what is business strength and weaknesses. And how to take care the business and also how to solve the problem. So when jerry follows all t he ways or steps of business, sure the business will successes and can make more profit. Every entrepreneur must know the business strength and weakness.And must know about how to solve business problem. 4. 0 References Businessweek. com (2013) Analyzing Your Company's Strengths and Weaknesses ââ¬â BusinessWeek. [online] Available at: http://www. businessweek. com/smallbiz/tips/archives/2008/09/analyzing_your_companys_strengths_and_weaknesses. html [Accessed: 22 Mar 2013]. Dollinger , M. (2003) Fundamental of Entrepreneurship . 3rd ed. India : Doring Kindersley , p. 153-155. Hoit, D. (2001) entrepreneurship. 5th ed. New Delhi: Ashoke K. Ghosh, p. 67-68. Infoentrepreneurs. org (2009) Review your business
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Intellectual Disability Essay - 1594 Words
Under the law, intellectual disability in relation to a person over the age of 5 years, is defined as significant sub-average general intellectual functioning; and significant deficits in adaptive behaviour, each of which manifest before the age of 18 years. Legal Responses Legislation Many intellectually disabled individuals are mis treated and discriminated against in the work place or the community. In response to this, two main acts have been established ; the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cwlth) and the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW). Although some forms of discrimination are not covered by legislation, parliament has ensured that people with an intellectual disability have equal access to resources such asâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Many people and organisations have changed their views and practices because of anti-discrimination legislation. Also, such legislation sends a powerful message to society that those with disabilities are equal members of the community. Application of the rule of law: It may be the case that offenders are treated too easily when they appear before the court; Some people feel that their rights go too far. These rights include the right to not answer a question from the police during investigation, the privilege against self-incrimination and the right to have no adverse comments made at a trial on the failure to answer questions or give evidence at a trial. This might make it hard to apply the rule of law (that no one is above the law) if the offender is given these advantages. However on the other end of the scale, it maintains the rule of law as it provides every individual with the right to a fair trial. Criticism Disempowerment of the disabled- (Accessibility) Many intellectually disabled individuals are in situations of great dependency where they are virtually powerless. This makes it difficult for the individual to use the anti discrimination legislation as a discriminatory remedy. Resource Efficiency: An intellectually disabled individual (or their guardian) may not have access to the financial resources needed to pay for a court trial. Also, if anShow MoreRelatedIntellectual Impairment And Intellectual Disability1319 Words à |à 6 Pageshaving an intellectual impairment or intellectual disability (The Arc). People who have these conditions are rarely given the same opportunities as people who donââ¬â¢t, and because of this, many very talented individuals go unnoticed and never reach their full potential. In a time where one to three percent of Americans have this disability, this is an issue that affects almost everyone either by knowing someone who has it or by knowing someone who is affected by it. People with intellectual impairmentsRead MoreChildren With An Intellectual Disability1556 Words à |à 7 Pageswhen overcoming certain challenges and obstacles in their lives. Jo began explaining what it was like having a child with an intellectual disabil ity from early on. When Jody was born, Jo and his wife were given to option of whether or not they wanted to keep him. During this time, it was something that was not uncommon for parents with children that were born with a disability to be asked. Several of these parents had the choice of whether or not to keep and raise their children or the child couldRead MoreChildren With Intellectual Disabilities ( Id )1673 Words à |à 7 PagesHistorically children with intellectual disabilities (ID) were taught in segregated schools. Over the past two decades inclusive practices, addressing the equality of people with an intellectual disability (ID) has gained recognition through treaties and policies in Australia and internationally (IDEA, 2004; UNCRPD, 2006). School inclusion supports the rights of students with ID to be taught in mainstream schools. During this time researchers have studied the views and attitudes of students towardsRead MoreIntellectual Disabilities Essay1164 Words à |à 5 PagesPersons with Intellectual Disabilities or Intellectually Disabled Persons: Which is the Classifying Entity? As I write this, sitting in a solitaire corner of the library, Im gently enclosing in my hand a simple rubber bracelet. My inspiration. Not the famous, bright yellow LiveStrong ones that Neil Armstrong once yielded, but a modest black band with contrasting white letters simply stating I See You. This statement may seem unpretentious and bland, maybe even comical to some, but it has a sincereRead MoreIntellectual Disabilities Essay683 Words à |à 3 PagesIn reading chapter 8 on intellectual disabilities, I found that the field of intellectual disabilities has developed throughout the years. The term intellectual disabilities and mental retardation are used interchangeably. The term ââ¬Å"mental retardationâ⬠is the federal definition used by IDEA, however many states today do not use the term. Many people do not use the term mental retardation because of its history. Long ago, students who were known to have ââ¬Å"mental retardationâ⬠were put in special schoolsRead Mo reChildren With Intellectual And Physical Disabilities1421 Words à |à 6 Pagesin our world are born with intellectual and physical disabilities. These people donââ¬â¢t have any control over how they are born, but we as a nation have the authority over how they are taken care of. From reading the fictional book ââ¬Å"Flowers for Algernon,â⬠the nonfiction articles ââ¬Å"Disabled Couple Forced to Live Apart,â⬠and ââ¬Å"Social Sensitivity.â⬠Many people with disabilities are not allowed jobs and/or education. The percentage of unemployment for people with disabilities is 12.1. There are numerousRead MoreEssay on Understanding Persons with Intellectual Disabilities1518 Words à |à 7 Pages It is important to understand the terms that are associated with intellectual disabilities. The first term is disability. Disability is an individual performing which includes physical, sensory, cognitive, intellectual mental illness impairments, and various types of chronic diseases. The next term involves intelligence. This term is the ability to think logically, reason out problems, prepare, understand difficult ideas, examine intellectually, and the ability to determine quickly and or acquireRead MoreEssay on Intellectual Disability2319 Words à |à 10 Pages287,572,700 people, 14,144,300 of them have an intellectual disability. In the state of South Carolina, 5.6% of the population has an intellectual disability. This means from a base population of 4,311,200, an estimated 242,600 are considered to have an intellectual disability. This survey included all ag es, races, all genders, and all education levels (ââ¬Å"Disability Statisticsâ⬠). Intellectual disability is characterized by limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior. This coversRead MoreSocial Inclusion And Intellectual And Developmental Disabilities Essay1334 Words à |à 6 Pagesinclusion among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) the social dynamics of these circumstances can be more complex then traditionally anticipated. In the United States of American six and a half million people, on average, have intellectual and or developmental disabilities. This translates into two and a half percent of the population (Morstad 2010). Globally, about two hundred million people have intellectual and or developmental disabilities. Worldwide, this makes upRead MoreStudents With Intellectual Disabilities ( Id )1107 Words à |à 5 Pagesstudents with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) in a classroom setting. I had interviewed Ms. Chisolm (Special Education Teacher) for the Jersey City Public Schools District, who works with students of multiple disabilities. Intelligence disabilities (ID) mean the mental capabilities of a childââ¬â¢s knowledge and skills. Intellectual disability can be developed during childbirth or before the age of eighteen. It is imperative for me to know, ââ¬Å"What are the characteristics of students with intellectual disabilities
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
death penalty Essay examples - 832 Words
Death Penalty Introduction Informed arguments against the death penalty are more persuasive than arguments in favor of it, as the negative affects of the death penalty have become widely publicized and illustrate the ineffectiveness of this cruel punishment. The death penalty is an inefficient form of punishment as innocent offenders may be executed, superior forms of restitution are available, and it fails to deter crime, all of which contribute to informed arguments against it. Deterrence The primary function of the death penalty is to act as deterrence, yet evidence has indicted that this cruel punishment has failed to deter crime. â⬠¢nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Inconsistent: Any punishment can be an effective deterrent only ifâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¢nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Emotional Turmoil: Most capital crimes are committed during moments of great emotional stress or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, when logical thinking has been suspended. Impulsive or expressive violence is inflicted by persons heedless of the consequences to themselves as well as to others. As the offender is under such emotional turmoil, the last thing on their mind would be the consequences of their crime. â⬠¢nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Imprison is serve enough: If however severe punishment can deter crime in rare cases, then long term imprisonment is severe enough to cause any rational person not to commit violent crimes. The vast preponderance of the evidence shows that the death penalty is no more effective than imprisonment in deterring murder and that it may even be an incitement to criminal violence in certain cases. â⬠¢nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Induce suicide: The death penalty can actually incited the capital crimes it was supposed to deter. These include instances of the so-called suicide-by-execution syndrome -- persons who wanted but feared to take their own life and committed murder so that society would kill them. Possible innocence Unlike all other criminal punishments, the death penalty is uniquely irrevocable. There is a large body of evidence shows that innocent people are often convicted of crimes, including capital crimes and that some of them have been executed.Show MoreRelatedPro Death Penalty Speech1482 Words à |à 6 Pagesintroduce myself before we get started. My name is Slick Perry and if you didnââ¬â¢t already know, I am the state governor of Texas. You are all aware that we are reviewing our recidivism rate to various crimes and reviewing our stance regarding the death penalty as we approach 2009. Everyone here understands that capital punishment is a very controversial topic in the United States. In Texas, from December 1982 through August 2008, only 361 criminals of the millions of Texans in our good state were executedRead MoreThe Truth About The Death Penalty973 Words à |à 4 Pages In her article ââ¬Å"The Truth About The Death Penaltyâ⬠, Carina Kolodny argues that the death penalty should be abolished in all fifty states due to the fact that it is ineffective and very expensive. Kolodny believes that capital punishment has too many complications and variables that cause it be more of an issue than a real solution for capital offenses. She proposes that the death penalty should be dropped and exchanged for better programs such as Proposition 34, which replaces capital punishmentRead MoreThe Bible and Death Penal ty Essay example812 Words à |à 4 Pagesa personââ¬â¢s view of the Bible influence what they think about the death penalty for murderers.â⬠I would like to see if a personââ¬â¢s view of the bible influence what they think of the death penalty. This is interesting to me because I am interested in the field of criminal justice and the death penalty is a huge topic to this day. There are many journals that talk about studies that were done on religion and views of the death penalty which have to do with my topic of interest. My hypothesis is thatRead MoreEssay on Death Penalty: Capital Punishment and Violent Crime1570 Words à |à 7 PagesCapital Punishment and Violent Crime Hypothesis Most Americans are pro-death penalty, even though they dont really believe that it is an effective deterrent to violent crime. Those who are pro-death penalty will remain so, even if faced with the best arguments of anti-death penalty activists and told to assume the arguments were absolutely true. Violent crime Violent crime is a major problem in the United States. According to the ACLU, the violent crime rate rose sixty-one percentRead MoreEssay on Article Analysis: OSullivans View of the Death Penalty1536 Words à |à 7 PagesBritain should have the death penalty. Oââ¬â¢Sullivan addresses all the main counter arguments when explain to his audience his conclusion. His supporting evidence includes death penalty decisions in history and several other statistics. Emotionally terms, faulty cause and effects scenarios, and either/or point of views are other ways the author conveys his opinion to the audience. The article begins with an overall theme threw out Oââ¬â¢Sullivanââ¬â¢s piece: does the death penalty appropriately punishRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is Justified1143 Words à |à 5 PagesAllison Shu 2/25/16 Period 2 Objective paper on the death penalty Capital punishment is legally authorized killing as punishment for a crime. The death penalty questions the morality of killing a person as justification for their crime. It also brings to question whether the death penalty actually serves as a deterrent for crime, and that some of the people executed are found innocent afterwards. The debates over the constitutionality of the death penalty and whether capital punishment should be usedRead MoreThe Death Penalty For Juveniles946 Words à |à 4 Pages The death penalty for minors differs greatly from the death penalty for adult. The law that minor could be put on death row was decided to rule against the eighth amendment. The eighth amendment prohibits the act of ââ¬Å"cruel and unusual punishmentâ⬠which putting minors on death row breaks. On March 4, 2005 the law that minors could not be put on death row for their actions was set into place. The new laws say, ââ¬Å"They cannot punish a minor by death penalty and they cannot punish someone for a crimeRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Mandatory?925 Words à |à 4 Pagesopinions on the subject. When we were discussing the death penalty although my opinion didnââ¬â¢t change, after hearing what some of my classmates had to say about the subject during our lab I was able to respectfully see why they had those thoughts and feelings about the subject. I believe that we should have the death penalty, and that it helps prevents more crime from happening. However, during our lab students that thought we should ban the death penalty had some pretty interesting reasons behind theirRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Legal1805 Words à |à 8 Pagesthat we all know is the death penalty. This penalty has been going around for years. To many people it might be the best way of punishing a person. On the other hand there are people who think that if you kill a person you should be sentenced to die as well. For me I would say it might not be the best way and it not working as many would like it. When choosing if you are for the death penalty you have to okay with an insect person dyei ng or even a family member being in death row. I know that is somethingRead MoreThe Death Penalty : An Effective Reliable Tool904 Words à |à 4 Pagesthe death penalty has been a frequent topic of discussion, as our recent technological advancements have evidently led individuals to consider the ââ¬Å"new foundâ⬠legitimacy of our court systems, as statistics display that our previous racial bias and the apparent morality of the practice itself have a miniscule impact on our conviction rate. Both the advancements and ethics that the death penalty provides become apparent through the utilization of anecdotes and statistics, as the death penalty has prevailed
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