Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Compare and Contrast an Alligator vs. Crocodile Essay

Thoroughly analyze an Alligator versus Crocodile - Essay Example Gators are commonly classified as having a place with the alligatoridae group of crocodilians that is seen to likewise incorporate the caimans. Maybe on the most distinctive trademark parts of the gator is the way that the noses of crocs are commonly molded to have a fairly wide U-formed, and adjusted nose that can be considered as resembling a scoop (Barnes-Svarney and Svarney187-188). This wide plan of a gators nose can be seen to have been planned basically for quality and is intended to guarantee that the creature can have the option to handily withstand the worry to its bone structure caused when it applies enormous power in breaking the somewhat hard shells of spineless creatures, for example, turtles that structure a huge piece of its eating regimen. Because of an alligator’s upper jaw being fundamentally bigger than its lower jaw, its jaws totally cover when its mouth is shut with the teeth on the lower jaw getting totally covered up as they flawlessly fit into little despondencies situated in the upper jaw (Barnes-Svarney and Svarney187-188; Tan 40). This perspective can be believed to be particularly articulated corresponding to the enormous fourth tooth of the creature situated in the lower jaw. The salt organs arranged on the tongues of gators are less successful when contrasted with those of crocodiles and for the most part seem to have lost their inborn capacity of empowering the creature to discharge critical measures of salt (Tan 40). Gators can have the option to develop and accomplish a length of around 14 to 16 feet a length that is extensively bigger that of some crocodile species (Smith 205). With a V-formed nose, the nose of a crocodile is fundamentally seen as progressively pointed when contrasted with a gator. The state of its nose apparently causes the creature to turn out to be progressively summed up and much better adjusted for a more extensive scope of prey. A crocodile’s upper and lower jaws are in a general sense a similar width

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Visa para recibir tratamiento médico en Estados Unidos

Visa para recibir tratamiento mã ©dico en Estados Unidos Las personas extranjeras que residen habitualmente fuera de los Estados Unidos y que desean ingresar al paã ­s para recibir tratamiento mã ©dicoâ debenâ hacerlo con estatus de turista. Es decir, no feed una visa mã ©dica o una visa humanitaria. En este artã ­culo se informa sobre las diferentes opciones para ingresar como turista en los Estados Unidos y los problemas que pueden surgir tanto a la hora de solicitar una visa como cuando ya se tiene y se debe evitar situaciones que sanctum lugar a su cancelaciã ³n,  incluidos los casos especã ­ficos de tener un bebã © en Estados Unidos cuando la mam tiene estatus migratorio de turista. Ingresar como turista en Estados Unidos para recibir tratamiento mã ©dico Las siguientes opciones no aplican a los ciudadanos canadienses, para quienes estn previstas otras  reglas. Para el resto de extranjeros estas child las opciones para ingresar como turista a los Estados Unidos: La primera opciã ³n y que va an aplicar a la mayorã ­a de los extranjeros, es sacar la visa de turista.â tambiã ©n conocida como visa B2,  de paseo o placer. En casos de urgencia para recibir el tratamiento mã ©dico, roughage un protocolo previsto en los consulados para resolver estas concerns cuanto bets. Es muy comã ºn que cuando se ingresa con esta visa se reciba autorizaciã ³n para permanecer en los Estados Unidos 180 dã ­as, pero no siempre es asã ­. Por ello es importante verificar la fecha fijada en el I-94, conocido tambiã ©n como registro de ingreso y de salida. Nunca fiarse por la fecha de expiraciã ³n del visado, que realmente significa otra cosa. Si una vez que se est en el medical clinic la estancia necesita alargarse, puede pedirse una extensiã ³n. Los hospitales generalmente ayudan con este trmite. Si por razones de causa city hall leader no se saliã ³ de Estados Unidos a tiempo ni se pidiã ³ la extensiã ³n, podrã ­a en algunos casos pedirse la restauraciã ³n de estatus. Una segunda posibilidad sã ³lo posible para mexicanos o residentes permanentes en Mã ©xico que viven a lo largo de la frontera con Estados Unidos es ingresar con una visa lser, tambiã ©n conocida como tarjeta de cruce. En estos casos el lugar donde se puede recibir el tratamiento est limitado an un nã ºmero de millas a contar desde la lã ­nea fronteriza y tambiã ©n est restringido el nã ºmero de dã ­as que se puede permanecer en Estados Unidos. Y finalmente, una tercera posibilidad es entrar como turista sin visa, por un mximo no extensible de 90 dã ­as. Para ello es necesario ser ciudadano de uno de la treintena de paã ­ses que pertenecen al Programa de Exenciã ³n de Visas (VWP, por sus siglas en inglã ©s). Pero roughage que tener muy claro que la estancia no se puede alargar, bajo ninguna circunstancia, ms de tres meses a contar desde el dã ­a de entrada an EEUU. Si se llega por aviã ³n feed que solicitar previamente una autorizaciã ³n para volar, que se conoce como ESTA. En estos momentos esta opciã ³n solo aplica a chilenos, espaã ±oles y tambiã ©n an algunas personas con doble nacionalidad y que por esa circunstancia uno de sus pasaportes es de un paã ­s incluido en el VWP. Problemas para ingresar an Estados Unidos como turista para recibir tratamiento mã ©dico En el caso de viajar sin visa por el programa que dispensa a los ciudadanos de 38 paã ­ses de este requisito los problemas pueden surgir de 2 formas. En groundwork lugar si un oficial de migraciã ³n en un puerto de entrada considera que no se tienen ingresos suficientes para recibir el tratamiento y existe un riesgo de que esa persona se convierta en una carga pà ºblica. En este caso se puede negar la entrada an Estados Unidos por ser inadmisible. El segundo problema puede surgir si los 90 dã ­as no child suficientes para completar el tratamiento mã ©dico y es que bajo ninguna circunstancia se puede sacar una visa en Estados Unidos o extender esa estancia de 3 meses. Por esta razã ³n se debe solicitar una visa de turista si el tratamiento va a durar ms tiempo, ya que debe evitarse quedar ms tiempo del permitido debido a sus graves consecuencias. En el caso de tener que solicitar una visa de turista los problemas pueden surgir ya al solicitarla. Es necesario ser considerado elegible para el visado y tambiã ©n admisible para ingresar a los Estados Unidos. Respecto an esto à ºltimo, es importante poder demostrar ingresos o recursos para costear el tratamiento. Feed que evitar crear la sospecha de que se va a ser una carga econã ³mica para el gobierno de los Estados Unidos si la visa es aprobada.  Por lo tanto, estar en condiciã ³n de acreditar uno o varios de los siguientes medios de pago: Seguro mà ©dicoIngresos o patrimonio propio o familiarDinero aportado por el gobierno del paã ­s al que uno pertenece, una ONG nacional o extranjera, and so on. Ni las oficinas consulares de los Estados Unidos estn autorizadas a conceder visas para recibir tratamiento mã ©dico a personas que no pueden sufragar gastos mã ©dicos ni los hospitales van ha admitir ingresos sinâ asegurarse el pago. Una vez que se tiene la visa de turista, à ©sta puede ser cancelada o revocada por muchas causas. Pero la ms comã ºn es quedarse ms tiempo del permitido.  Asimismo, puede haber problemas por ingresar con demasiada frecuencia. Para evitarlo, llevar siempre prueba que acredite el tratamiento mã ©dico y el pago de facturas. El caso comã ºn de ingresarâ a Estados Unidos a tener un hijo Todos los dã ­as entran an EEUU decenas de mujeres extranjeras en las à ºltimas fases de sus embarazos para dar a luz, o como dicen en algunos paã ­ses, an aliviarse. Es una prctica comã ºn y lawful que brinda un gran beneficio: la ciudadanã ­a estadounidense para el bebã © que nace en Estados Unidos. Pero roughage que tener en cuenta ciertas circunstancias, para evitar problemas con el gobierno.â De interã ©s para los pacientes de cncer y sus familiares Las estadã ­sticas muestran que uno de los tratamientos que ms reciben en Estados Unidos los pacientes extranjeros tiene que ver con el cncer. Estos child los topâ 10 hospitalesâ para tratamiento de esta enfermedad. Muchos de ellos tienen un departamento dedicado an ayudar a los pacientes internacionales en sus gestiones y un servicio que habla espaã ±ol. Este es un artã ­culo informativo. No es asesorã ­a lawful.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Budget-Friendly Activities for Fall

Budget-Friendly Activities for Fall Budget-Friendly Activities for Fall Budget-Friendly Activities for FallIt’s still possible to live you best life when money is tight. Here are three ways to save this fall and still have fun.As of September 23, fall is officially upon us. The days are getting shorter. The nights are getting cooler. The kids are back in school, and the holiday season is fast approaching. For many of us, autumn is a time of transformation, celebration, excitement, and all the seasonal festivities that come with it. In the spirit of the changing seasons, we’ve come up with three ways to take advantage of this time of year, keeping your pocketbook, of course, in mind.1. Make your own pumpkin spiceThese days, the highly anticipated return of the pumpkin spice drinks and treats makes headline after headline after headline. But at several dollars a pop, these delicacies may not be the wisest use of our monthly resources. The good news is you can make a pumpkin spice blend at home and add it to anything you wish â€" a much more economical option.Although pumpkin spice may seem like a new trend, its main components â€" nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, and cloves â€" have been used to flavor food for a very long time. The first branded “pumpkin pie spice” came to market in the 1950s, was shortened to “pumpkin spice” in the 1960s, and has been used to flavor everything from coffee to pastries to soups ever since.Making your own pumpkin spice at home is easy. This recipe from BudgetBytes yields about a half cup of the spice blend, which will last a year if properly stored. Blog founder Beth Moncel cautions that, as with all spices and herbs, the quality of this blend will degrade over time. “The freshness of this homemade pumpkin pie spice is only as good as the oldest ingredient used,” she writes, “so make sure all your spices are nice and fresh before preparing this blend.”Using up the spice blend shouldn’t be a problem, as Moncel has developed many wallet-friendly friendly recipes that use it, including:Bak ed Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal ($0.78/serving)  Pumpkin Spice Granola ($0.64/serving)Pumpkin Cream Cheese Spread ($0.27/serving)  Pumpkin Molasses Bread ($0.35/serving)Pumpkin Smoothies ($1.27/serving).Want to recreate the iconic latte at home? Try this recipe from the Kitchn. For even more authentic froth, put the warm milk in a French press and plunge up and down rapidly. This will aerate the milk and make it frothy, similar to what baristas do to froth the milk at the coffee shop.  2. Go leaf peepingOne of the greatest pleasures of fall is the changing color of the leaves. Spend time enjoying them while you can! Depending on where you live in the country, you may only be minutes away from a fantastic show. Every year, the National Weather Service (NWS) puts out the Fall Colors Report, which outlines when you can expect the colorful show to come to your neck of the woods and what kind of show you can expect it to be.It all depends on the weather. If autumn is too cold too soon, the leaves may fall off trees before they get a chance to change color. According to the NWS, the best fall foliage occurs when there are “warm sunny days and cool, but not freezing, nights.”What can you expect this year? Although it’s hard to predict, the Smokey Mountain website created this very cool interactive map to help you estimate when colors will be at their peak near you.  For a family fun activity, collect as many colorful leaves as you can. Try to identify them using the resources available on the US National Arboretum website or a book borrowed from your local library. Then, press and preserve them!3. Visit your nearest national parkOne of the best ways to enjoy the changing seasons is to get outside and explore. What better way to do that than to visit your nearest forest or wildland preserve, state park, or national park. One might be closer than you think.The National Park Trust provides a look-up tool to find you nearest national park, including national monuments, batt lefields, trails, waterways, and historic sites. Most of these are free and open to the public, or available to explore for a nominal fee. The site also allows you to search by state.For city or state-level parks and preserves, search the local municipality’s website. Or use Discover the Forest to find woodlands near you and use America’s State Parks to find the closest state park to where you live.Don’t forget to plan your trip. Parks and preserves often a multitude of budget-friendly activities, including hiking, camping, and kayaking, along with educational programming and community events. You could also just pack a picnicâ€"perhaps with a homemade pumpkin spice dessertâ€"and enjoy some time outside.What to do with your savingsPlanning fun, budget-friendly activities may leave you with a few extra dollars in your wallet this fall. When this happens, we always recommend putting that moneyâ€"no matter the amountâ€"toward an emergency fund. When an unexpected expense arises, you’ll be glad you have some money stashed away.  For additional money saving options, check out these links below:5 Expenses to Cut Instead of CoffeeEating Healthy Doesn’t Have to Break the BankHow to Save Money Every WeekHow to Use the Library to Save MoneyHow to Save Money When You’re Making Minimum Wage

Friday, May 22, 2020

Pornography and the efferct on aggressive behavior Free Essay Example, 1000 words

Pornography and the Effect on Aggressive Behavior It is without compromise that pornographies have been in existence since time immemorial. It is however valid to argue that technological advancements have spurred the rate at which pornographies are created and circulated among individuals in the current world placing. It has been common claim that pornographies have largely contributed to the development of antisocial and aggressive behaviors among the viewers. This paper will however contradict these common social perceptions about pornographies and provide explicit defense for the need to continued existence of pornographies within our societies. The paper will also research on the position of American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) with regard to issues concerning pornographies. Pornography and the Effect on Aggressive Behavior Pornography has been blamed for causing sexual misconduct and antisocial behaviors among teenagers. In addition, pornographic pictures and videos have received unending accusations for contributing to increased raping cases as well as aggressive behaviors among the viewers. However, the above perceptions about pornographies can be termed as mere illusions without significant support and proof. Whether pornographies are present or absent, aggressive sexual behaviors still survives in our societies. We will write a custom essay sample on Pornography and the efferct on aggressive behavior or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The urge to rape or engage in rape depends on individual’s sexual orientation and control, and more on the psychological makeup of a person. For that case, it is hard to prove that when individuals watch pornographies then their likelihood to rape is increased. This is because some culprits of raping have inborn and unethical lusts on women. Other aggressive sexual behaviors such as forced masturbation among students in mixed schools, does not entirely rely on watched pornographies, but may occur due the parties attaining adolescent stage. Watching pornographies is in fact a boost to healthy relationship among couples and sexual partners. Watching pornographies humbles sexual partners as it provides the parties with more explicit and perfect styles of playing serious sex to the satisfaction of the all the parties. Malamuth, Koss and Addison (2000) explicate that when watching the videos and pictures of porn, sexual partners learn the most appropriate postures, the most appropriate body languages and the level of maturity required during sexual intercourse to ensure complacency of every partner upon sexual intercourse. Watching pornographies provides the rare clues about the emerging regions that are sensitive to arousals.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

What You Dont Know About Personal Statement Examples Physical Therapy Essay Samples Pdf

What You Don't Know About Personal Statement Examples Physical Therapy Essay Samples Pdf The Fundamentals of Personal Statement Examples Physical Therapy Essay Samples Pdf Revealed You may choose to look at changing some information, particularly your own personal statement, to suit the work description. If you opt to go right ahead and use an objective statement in your resume, then you will need to understand a few essential points. Make certain that you have written a complete personal statement that comes with a robust and attention grabbing opening paragraph. Your own personal statement should concentrate on the reasons WHY you ought to be hired, NOT why you desire the job. The Basic Facts of Personal Statement Examples Physical Therapy Essay Samples Pdf Based on your bonus stipulation, you could wind up having to repay the component of your bonus that you received. There are lots of components and kinds of resumes. Best is to get a combination of all food in the most suitable quantity. Understanding Personal Statement Examples Physical Therapy Essay Samples Pdf The maturation of my own education is significant to me. You should attempt to be very thorough in your descriptions and you'll probably encounter a variety of emotions as you revisit important events. Your own personal statement should describe what appeals to you about physiotherapy, and why you would like to find out more about it at university to put in a career for a physiotherapist. A complete commitment will concentrate on objectives. What Everybody Dislikes About Personal Statement Examples Physical Therapy Essay Samples Pdf and Why It is possible to indent each new paragraph, or just set a space between paragraphs rather than indenting, unless the school states that there's a particular way they would like you to format your essay. For supplemental essays for a certain school, make sure that you mention why you wish to visit their school, if it fits into the prompt. If you are aware of what they need to and what they are searching for then you may start your essay with a how to tip. Remember you will probably have to complete additional (supplemental) essays. If you are happy to explain yourself, you can attempt to bring a sentence or two into your PTCAS essay. When you finish your essay, you will have to edit and polish. Ideally, you would like a well-written and crystal clear essay. Some supplemental essays might also have a shorter length, and that means you might only write two paragraphs. The progress notes should be comparatively brief and concise and has to revolve around the issue regarding on the patient's condition. You are able to also offer suggestions and recommendation to keep the disease. Once you have decided on a resume type, you will want to collect all your information. The info written in a progress note can help healthcare professionals avoid and avoid malpractice judgment that's important in treating the status of a patient. An important part of a factual case study is the fact that it presents an issue or event completely, resulting from several factors. A positioning statement is like an objective, excep t that it focuses more on what you need to provide a possible employer. The interviewer is searching for a positive spin on weakness. Personal Statement Examples Physical Therapy Essay Samples Pdf: No Longer a Mystery You might discover the position you would like is highly competitive. In other words, an objective statement tells the employer what you're searching for in a job for which you want to be hired. Organization Being in a position to create decent note taking skills effectively allows somebody to organize not only notes but other areas too. When you submit an application for a physical therapist position, you would like to make sure you demonstrate having the essential skills for the job. In addition, you can consist of transferable skills from non-physical therapy positions you may have held, such as customer service abilities or communication abilities. Find more skills in job provides online, and in your experience. It's simple to compose a resume that gets the ideal PT jobs. The History of Personal Statement Examples Physical Therapy Essay Samples Pdf Refuted If you know somebody who's facing body pain issues then you are able to recommend it to them. You're going to write the greatest physical therapy resume around. By applying the gel on the body part which is the reason for the pain you eliminate the problem. Lots of people are experiencing body pain due to overwork or stress but if you don't wish to say such troubles and you must begin taking care of your entire body. The physician will recommend in line with the patient's condition on when to begin with a normal diet. Furthermore, the surgery is a perfect time to take out the cause Myelopathy in the very first location, like a herniated disc. The process before Colonoscopy are incredibly essential as to make sure clear colon assessment. As a way to make sure a quick and healthful recovery with minimal discomfort and lowered risks of any complications, it's wise to begin physical therapy before the surgery.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Psychoanalytic Theory Free Essays

Sigmund Freud established a theory that was based on human behavior and personality, in which he called it, â€Å"Psychoanalytic Theory. † He worked with patients that suffered from mental illnesses, in which he believed that originated from their childhood experience. Not only does he believe that childhood experiences influence an individual’s behavior, their unconscious desires may be another reason for a juvenile’s delinquent behavior. We will write a custom essay sample on Psychoanalytic Theory or any similar topic only for you Order Now When this theory was discovered, Freud involved three concepts to the personality; the id, the ego, and the superego. The Id is the only element of the personality that is present from birth. This is about the desires, wants, and needs of an individual. This is particularly important in early life because an infant has needs that should be met. For example, if there is a baby that is hungry and will not stop crying until he or she gets fed, that would be where the id rules in. In this structure of the id, it is quite unorganized because it demands immediate satisfaction with no thoughts of manners and proper action.. If the needs are not met, this may cause anxiety and tension. The id does not know the difference between good and bad, it only seeks for gratification, but this is where the ego comes into place. The ego makes sure that the necessities of the id are handled in an appropriate behavior that will benefit an individual in the long run. The id will strive for satisfaction anywhere and anytime, but the ego will take charge and only allow the behavior in the right time and place. Functions of the ego are only in the conscious and unconscious mind. The id has a structure of the personality that is unorganized, whereas, the ego is more organized. Since the ego is more organized, it is liable for common sense, judgment, defense, taking in information, and memory. This part of the personality helps us separate out what is real, organize our thoughts, and make sense of the world around us. (Ruth 2006) Also, our bodies have defense mechanisms in certain situations; denial, fantasy, repression, and displacement. It is not done in such a direct or conscious manner. These defense mechanisms come into play when the id behavior conflicts with reality. While ego is constantly trying to satisfy the superego, the superego is continuously inspecting the ego’s actions and punishes it with feelings of guilt, and apprehension. The last element of the personality is the superego. This is responsible for our morals that we have learned through experiences from our families, friends, and surroundings; in other words, our sense of right and wrong. This stage of the personality usually develops at about the age of five. The superego looks at the influence of educators, teachers, and people chosen as role models. In contradiction to the id, the superego is what makes an individual act in an appropriate manner, whereas the id just demands immediate satisfaction. The superego is the complete opposite of the id, and the ego is the element that tries to compromise the other two elements. While the ego is in charge of an individual acting in an appropriate behavior, the superego is liable for the rules and standards. Usually, these rules and standards are made by parents and with obedience to these rules, it may lead to feelings of accomplishment. According to Freud, he believed that a person with a good ego would be able to balance the id and the superego. Without balance between the two, behavior of a juvenile may be troublesome. Freud started this theory because there must have been many advantages, and many qualities that he saw in his patients that would help him support this theory. As he listened and analyzed his patients, he was convinced that their issues developed because of their childhood experiences. This theory helps explain how important the childhood experience of an individual is. Everything that happens in the early years of a child will influence them in a certain way. For example, if a little boy was to be molested as a kid, he may grow up to be a disruptive kid and possibly molest others because he either wants revenge for his molester, or he doesn’t know that it was wrong at such an age. How to cite Psychoanalytic Theory, Essay examples Psychoanalytic Theory Free Essays In this paper I will be talking about the founder of the psychoanalytic theory, Sigmund Freud. Who came up with many ways to find out why we do the things we do and think the way we think. Sigmund Freud was an awesome mind that thought things and put it on paper that we might would think was too offending to others. We will write a custom essay sample on Psychoanalytic Theory or any similar topic only for you Order Now Throughout the decades his work has been deciphered by many people who try to make sense of it, and in this paper I will try to let you know what understanding I got from the readings. When it comes to comparing and contrasting the psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, and Alfred Alder, I felt like Sigmund Freud had the most, wide range of theories and the broader range of thoughts throughout his readings. One thing that Alder touched on that puzzled me is the fact that we all some kind of way are coming into our personality as a child while suckling on our moms breast. Another thing that puzzled me about Alder is that our personality comes from a form of sexuality, like the comment he made about everyone having a crush on their mother at an early age and mainly boys but girls also. From what I read though is that the female will stop that sexual connection with their mother and transfer it to their dad, and it was said it’s because they don’t have a penis. It seems to me that all of Alders research was more on how people think from sexuality experiences rather than any life experiences. On the other hand there is Jung who wrote that the visions and dreams he often experienced were not unimportant coincidences, but instead were valuable communications of information from the realm of the paranormal. This I also found really puzzling because we all know that we have dreams but have never thought that the dreams or thoughts came from another realm. Jung’s ego is quite similar in scope and meaning to Freud’s. It is the aspect of personality that’s conscious, and it embodies the sense of self. (Jung believed that this personal identity, or ego, developed around age four. ) One of the central ways in which Adler’s views differed from those of Freud was the emphasis each placed on the origin of motivation. REF†¦ Throughout my reading about Jung I found that his theories made more sense than those of Freud, mainly because Freud’s theories were based on a person’s sexuality which I find hard to believe mainly because of the fact that his theories are based on sex. Whereas Jung’s theories made more sense to me as far as him quoting that our dreams are like an iceberg, with dreams being bigger than what they appear to be and our collective unconscious that we can’t control is our past elders. When it comes to Alder I feel like his psychoanalytic theories makes a lot of sense also because he feels like everyone has their own unique motivations on why they make the decisions they make in life and also how that individual person perceives the life that they have been raised around. What is significant about Adler’s notion is that it involves comparisons and rivalries with other people. For Adler, social interest is a primary source of motivation. The internal drives emphasized by Freud are complemented by external pressures, especially those arising from relationships. REF†¦ When it comes to the stages of Freud’s theory, it’s very interesting on how he broke down the stages. The first one I want to talk to you about is the Oral stage in which he says that you are like a child that’s depending on their mother for milk and comfort and pleasure. Also he felt like that if you carry this Oral stage over into your adult life that you would develop habits like attachment, and also have pleasure from biting, chewing, sucking hard candy, eating or smoking cigarettes. The next stage is the Anal stage in which he talked how as kids we learned to use the pot, and those of us who learned quick and was willing to use the bathroom would shake the Anal stage and the ones who would want to hold their feces would likely be stuck in the anal stage. Also he stated that these certain people would like to make messes and also making messes of other peoples lives. (Or they may be overly concerned with neatness, parsimony, order, and organization†¦REF) The next stage is the phallic stage in where he says a child starts touching their genitals and participates in masturbation. This stage seemed odd to me because I can’t recall masturbating at the age of four. The next stage is the genital stage in which he states that if you make it through all the challenges of childhood with enough sexual energy still left then there will supposedly be a fairly well-adjusted life, dominated by the genital stage. When it comes to the defense mechanisms of Freud repression is one that I can relate to simply because as a child my father left the house and was gone for many birthdays which made me not trust men. That plays on in my mind now that I have a two year old son of my own, that I would never leave his side and will always be there as long as God is willing. Another defense mechanism is denial and I can relate to that also because when my granddad passed away it was hard on me and I was in denial of not wanting to accept that he was gone and I’d never see him again. Another defense mechanism that I could relate to is sublimation in which I transform my dangerous urges into positive ones. One way that I do this is by helping out at the local boys club and helping my elders as much as possible. In conclusion Freud, Jung, and Alder had great minds on them that needed to be wrote down with every thought. Because throughout my time on this earth I have never heard people talk so openly about why people do the things they do and think the way they think. As I went over the readings I could only think what type of life these people really lived. Also some of the points they made about certain things really made sense especially the oral stage. We need great minds like that in our world to make sense of things like why things happen the way they do. How to cite Psychoanalytic Theory, Papers

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Science Is A Source That Continues To Radically Improve The State Of M

Science is a source that continues to radically improve the state of mankind. It has allowed for advances in production, transportation, and even entertainment, but never in history will science be able to so deeply affect our lives, as genetic engineering will certainly do. Genetic engineering is a safe and powerful tool that will bring forth amazing results, specifically in the field of medicine. It will bring in a world where gene defects, bacterial disease, and even aging are a thing of the past. The new science of genetic engineering aims to take a dramatic short cut in the slow process of evolution (Stableford 25). In essence, scientists aim to remove one gene from an organism's DNA, and place it into the DNA of another organism. This would create a new DNA strand, full of new encoded instructions; a strand that would have taken Mother Nature millions of years of natural selection to develop. The possibilities of genetic engineering are endless. Once the power to control the instructions, given to a single cell, are mastered anything can be accomplished. For example, insulin can be created and grown in large quantities by using an inexpensive gene manipulation method of growing a certain bacteria. This supply of insulin is also not dependant on the supply of pancreatic tissue from animals. Recombinant factor VIII, the blood clotting agent missing in people suffering from hemophilia, can also be created by genetic engineering. Virtually all people who were treated with factor VIII before 1985 acquired HIV, and later AIDS. Being completely pure, the bioengineered version of factor VIII eliminates any possibility of viral infection. Other uses of genetic engineering include creating disease resistant crops, formulating milk from cows already containing pharmaceutical compounds, generating vaccines, and altering livestock traits (Clarke 1). In the not so distant future, genetic engineering will become a principal player in fighting genetic, bacterial, and viral disease, along with controlling aging, and providing replaceable parts for humans. Medicine has seen many new innovations in its history. The discovery of anesthetics permitted the birth of modern surgery, while the production of antibiotics in the 1920s minimized the threat from diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis and cholera. The creation of serums which build up the bodies immune system to specific infections, before being laid low with them, has also enhanced modern medicine greatly (Stableford 59). All of these discoveries however, will fall under the broad shadow of genetic engineering when it reaches its peak in the medical community. Many people suffer from genetic diseases ranging from thousands of types of cancers, to blood, liver, and lung disorders. Amazingly, all of these will be able to be treated by Genetic engineering, specifically, gene therapy. The basis of gene therapy is to supply a functional gene to cells lacking that particular function, thus correcting the genetic disorder or disease. There are two main categories of gene therapy: germ line therapy, or altering of sperm and egg cells, and somatic cell therapy, which is much like an organ transplant. Germ line therapy results in a permanent change for the entire organism, and its future offspring. Germ line therapy is not readily in use on humans for ethical reasons. However, this genetic method could, in the future, solve many genetic birth defects such as downs syndrome. Somatic cell therapy deals with the direct treatment of living tissues. Scientists, in a lab, inject the tissues with the correct, functioning gene and then re-administer them to the patient, correcting the problem (Clarke 1). Along with altering the cells of living tissues, genetic engineering has also proven extremely helpful in the alteration of bacterial genes. Transforming bacterial cells is easier than transforming the cells of complex organisms (Stableford 34). Two reasons are evident for this manipulation: DNA enters, and functions easily in bacteria, and the transformed bacteria cells can be easily selected out from the untransformed ones. Bacterial bioengineering has many uses in our society, it can produce synthetic insulins, a growth hormone for the treatment of dwarfism and interferons for treatment of cancers and viral diseases (Stableford 34). Throughout the centuries disease has plagued the world, forcing everyone to take part in a virtual lottery with the agents of death (Stableford 59). Whether viral or bacterial in